
Sunday, October 25, 2015

Learning in Room 11 -- October 26-30, 2015

This week we are learning the following skills:

Reading:  main topic, nonfiction text features, explain how specific images contribute to and clarify a text

Spelling:  Contractions

Math:  adding and subtracting two-digit numbers

Language:  use adjectives and adverbs and choose between them depending on what is to be modified

Spelling Words:  I'm, they're, we're, you're, I've, they've, we've, you've, here's, how's, that's, who's, I'll, you'll, she'll, we'll, isn't, aren't, shouldn't, wasn't, he'd, you'd, we'd, let's


Daily:  Study spelling words and read "A Cross Boss"

Monday:  math

Tuesday:  math, get test papers signed and return on Wednesday

Wednesday:  math, language

Thursday:  math, write spelling words 4 times each

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Learning in Room 11 -- October 19-23

This week we are learning the following skills:

Reading:  main topic, nonfiction text features, explain how specific images contribute to and clarify a text

Math:  add and subtract two-digit numbers

Language:  form and use past tense of irregular verbs

Spelling:  catch lunch rule -- tch and ch at the end of words

Spelling Words:  bench, batch, much, punch, hitch, which, flinch, trench, fetch, blanch, pitch, such, French, match, rich, crunch, snitch, crutch, stitch, hatch


Daily:  study spelling words

Monday:  reading, language

Tuesday:  math, get test papers signed and return tomorrow

Wednesday:  math, reading

Thursday:  math, write spelling words 4 times each

Telling Time, Book It and Sparky

We have been busy with telling time.  This is a skill that can be tricky.  Please review this with your child.  We will continue to review this from time to time.  I only took one picture because we were so busy learning that I forgot!  

In October we always begin Book It.  This is a program where your child can earn a free pan pizza from Pizza Hut for reading.  Each month I will send home a form for your child to fill out with the books they read.  The goal for October is 8 books.  Please sign the form when they are finished.  I will give them a coupon when they return it to me!  Kymille was the first student to return her form and get her pizza coupon.  Several other students have brought their form back now.  You have until the last day of the month to return it.

Maddux always enjoys when Sparky and the firefighters come to teach about fire safety.  We had a good time learning about smoke detectors, 911, not going back into the house for anything and to stop, drop, and roll.  Tamiria even got to go on stage and dance with Sparky.  Thank you Sparky and the West Memphis Fire Department!!

Catching up on activities -- Shape Monsters, Tangrams, Tangram pictures

This is a post to catch up on some of the activities we have been doing in the classroom.  I posted pictures of us working on our shape monsters.  Below are some pictures of the completed monsters.  We also wrote a description of our monsters.

We also have used tangrams to learn about shapes.  

The class used the tangrams several days to make different shapes.  They used the seven pieces of the tangram to create a picture.  Below are some of the pictures we made. They include a cat, fish, house and candle.

Next post will be about Book It, Sparky, and telling time. 

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Learning in Room 11 -- October 12-16

**Block Test -- Tuesday**

This week we are learning the following skills:

Reading:  main topic, nonfiction text features, explain how specific images contribute to and clarify a text

Math:  adding and subtracting two-digit numbers

Spelling:  Kiss the Cat rule -- k and c at the beginning of a word (review)

Language:  form and use the past tense of frequently occurring irregular verbs

Spelling Words:  skin, crept, skit, cuff, skill, kiss, cat, cast, club, skiff, tract, cent, cinch, scram, kit, con, scuff, kept, kid, Ken


Daily:  Study spelling words

Monday:  math

Tuesday:  language, get test papers signed and return on Wednesday

Wednesday:  math, reading

Thursday:  write spelling words 4 times each

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Learning in Room 11 -- October 5

This week we will be learning the following skills:

Reading:  ask and answer questions, describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges, recount stories and determine their central message, lesson, or moral

Spelling:  Milk Truck rule

Math:  telling time to the nearest five minutes

Language:  use sentence level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase, commas in greetings and closings of letters

Spelling Words:  quick, shock, brisk, slack, duct, quack, dusk, tuck, snuck, bulk, task, wick, desk, neck, elk, silk, whisk, crack, struck, thick


Daily:  study spelling words

Monday:  reading

Tuesday:  language, get test papers signed and return on Wednesday

Wednesday:  math

Thursday:  write spelling words 4 times each