
Sunday, December 11, 2016

This Week in Room 11 -- December 12-16

This week we are learning the following skills:

Reading: Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text

Spelling:  open syllables

Math:  place value

Language:  adverbs

Spelling Words:   we, flu, she, go, sly, cry, hi, shy, why, so

Sight Words:  what, write, something


Daily:  Study spelling words and sight words

Monday:  reading

Tuesday:  math

Wednesday:  language, get test papers signed and return on Thursday

Thursday:  Write spelling words 4 times each

Sunday, October 30, 2016

This week in Room 11 -- October 31-November 2

This week we are continuing many of our skills from last week.

Reading:  Describe how words and phrases supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or song

Spelling:  Milk Truck rule

Language:  Produce, expand, and rearrange complete compound sentences.

Math:  Place Value

Spelling words:  quick, shock, task, silk, desk, duct, quack, tuck, neck, thick

Sight words:  any, great, live

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

This Week in Room 11 -- October 17-21

This week we are learning the following skills:

Reading: Describe how words and phrases (e.g., regular beats, alliteration, rhymes, repeated lines) supply rhythm and meaning in a story, poem, or song

Spelling:  Floss rule and unit all

Math:  place value

Language:  produce, expand and rearrange compound sentences

Spelling Words:   hall, small, doll, glass, jazz, press, stuff, yes, gas, bus

Sight Words:  goes, knew, always

Sunday, October 9, 2016

This week in Room 11 -- October 10-14

This week we are learning the following skills:

Reading:  nonfiction text features

Math:  place value

Spelling:  closed syllables

Language:  irregular plural nouns

Spelling Words:  mask, stem, trap, went, sock, clam, fill, brush, stomp, quick

Sight Words:  found, almost, every

Monday, September 12, 2016

Spelling Words -- September 12-16

This week we are studying digraph blends and three letter blends.  I am sorry.  I did not get my copies back until we were walking out the door.  I will send home the list on Tuesday. Here are our spelling words for this week.

brunch, split, shrimp, shrub, belch, depth, splint, shred, scram, thrust, strut, thrift, sixth, strum, prompt, splash, thrush, splat, sprig

Sight Words:  able, because, change, does

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Spelling Words -- April 25-29

Units with ng and nk

cling, shrank, shrunk, shrink, stung, long, thank, sling, skunk, drink, hung, prong, honk, fang, sang, chunk, wink, swung, flunk, bring

Monday, April 18, 2016

Spelling Words -- April 18-22

Syllable Division with Silent E

frustrate, migrate, vibrate, debate, inflate, reptile, invite, combine, describe, textile, transcribe, alpine, complete, concrete, athlete, exclude, consume, compute, devote

Please study these words each night.  Thanks!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Spelling Words -- April 11-15

This week's lesson:  C's and G's with silent E's

Ce                        Se                       Ge              oddball   

place                    refuse                 stage           get
reduce                  franchise            magic
space                   enclose               digest
slice                     Chinese               agent
produce               expose                 logic
vice                      transfuse             enrage

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Spelling Words -- March 28-April 1

Our spelling words for this week are below.

summit, bonnet, nugget, sloppy, teddy, gossip, coffin, lasso, sissy, rotten, tennis, vanish, planet, limit, habit, comet, pity, misfit, lavish, livid

Sunday, February 28, 2016

This Week in Room 11 -- February 29-March 4

This week we are learning the following skills:

Reading: Read and comprehend informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts

Spelling:  short o and long o (VCe)

Math:  counting money

Language:  use determiners (e.g., articles, demonstratives)

Spelling Words:  chop, rob, crop, fox, lock, cloth, doll, trot, hope, robe, owe, nose, woke, note, those, rope, from, of, come, don't


Daily:  study spelling words and read "A Jog in the Fog" and My Friend Rose"

Monday:  math

Tuesday:  math, get test papers signed and return Wednesday

Wednesday:  math, reading

Thursday:  math, write spelling words 4 times each

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Accelerated Reader

Congratulations to Tamiria!!  She is the first student in my class to meet her AR goal for the third nine weeks.  Way to go!!  Keep reading.  Everyone needs to be reading and taking tests to meet their goal as well.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Spelling Words - February 15-19

This week we will be learning VCe spelling pattern.  

Spelling Words:

act, ask, fast, pan, path, pass, glad, name, plane, pane, safe, gave, same, came, grade, gate, shake, race, was, have, can't

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Learning in Room 11 -- February 1-5

This week we will be learning the following skills:

Reading:  Describe how reasons support specific points the author makes in a text, compare and contrast the most important points presented by two texts on the same topic

Math:  Add and subtract 3 digit numbers

Language:  adjectives and adverbs, simple and compound sentences

Spelling:  Kiss the Cat rule

Spelling words:

scan, crept, skit, cuff, skill, kiss, cat, cast, club, skiff, tract, cent, cinch, scram, kit, con, scuff, kept, kid, Kenny



Daily:  study spelling words and read "Clem and the Duck"

Monday:  math, reading

Tuesday:  math, get test papers signed and return Wednesday

Wednesday:  math, language

Thursday:  math, write spelling words 4 times each

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Learning in Room 11 -January 4-8, 2016

This week we are learning the following skills:

Reading:  Ask and answer questions such as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text

Spelling:  r-controlled o

Math:   place value

Language:  collective nouns and reflexive nouns

Spelling Words:  score, fort, horn, shore, short, thorn, before, forest, hornet

High-Frequency Words:  began, don't, here, never, next, second, went


Daily:  study spelling words and read "Who Snored?"

Monday:  math

Tuesday:  math, reading

Wednesday:  math, language

Thursday:  math, write spelling words 4 times each

Friday, January 1, 2016

MyON website

I want to encourage everyone to use the new resource that is available.  If you have access to the internet your child can read and listen to many books. MyON is available for online reading anywhere and anytime.  Your children can read online using any Internet-enabled device.  They can read offline using free mobile apps for iPad, Android, Chrome and Kindle Fire HD.  You can learn more at 

Before the Christmas break I sent home each student's login information.  Please let me know if you need it again.

You may login at:

This is a great resource.  Many of these books have Accelerated Reading (AR) quizzes.  These books can also be used on the Book-It reading log.  I hope you will login and enjoy reading books anywhere and anytime!

December Catch Up

Happy New Year!!
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and have enjoyed the holidays.

I wanted to share some of the activities we did between Thanksgiving and Christmas.  When we came back after Thanksgiving we had a new bulletin board in the hall.  They have been painting our school and put up new boards for everyone.  We made ornaments to put on our new board.

In math we have been working on place value.  First, we drew stars for one minute.  We counted them by drawing a circle around tens, then fives, and then twos.  We all enjoyed this activity.
Later we did a lesson called "Button Place Value".  The class was divided into groups.  Each group had a bowl of buttons.  The buttons were put in cups of ten.  If a group had ten cups they would put the buttons in a ziplock bag to make one hundred.  Finally, each group shared how many buttons they had.  We repeated the process with each group's buttons to find the class total. 

We also used base ten blocks to learn about place value.  

On Wednesday, December 9, we had a special visitor come to our classroom.  Rebecca Bledsoe is the children's librarian at the West Memphis Public Library. She came and talked to us about the different things the students can do when they visit the library.  She also read us a story.  We really enjoyed her visit.

I hope you enjoyed getting caught up on what we have been doing in class.