
Sunday, October 7, 2018

This Week in Room 11 -- October 8-12

Learning Focus this Week:

Reading:  Identify the main topic of a multiparagraph text as well as the focus of specific paragraphs within the text.

Math:  Review measurement, begin place value

Writing:  Writing lab reports and science books

Language:  What Do End Marks Do?

Spelling:  Ing and ink units

Spelling Words:  cling, stung, thank, honk, wink, long, drink, fang, flunk, bring


Monday:  read nonsense words
Tuesday:  Math
Wednesday:  read nonsense words
Thursday:  math

Please study spelling words and read the passage on the back each night.


This year half of our language arts grade is from decodable text assessments.  These consist of nonsense words.  Students are to blend the sounds together to say the word.
Some examples:  flup, kuz, shap, zash
Please listen to your child read these.  I have assigned them for Monday and Wednesday's homework.  It would be beneficial to go over these every night.

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