
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Learning in Room 11 -- September 28 -- October 2

This week we are learning the following skills:

Reading:  ask and answer questions, describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges, recount stories and determine their central message, lesson, or moral

Spelling:  Kiss the Cat rule

Math:  halves, thirds, and fourths of circles and rectangles

Language:  form and use frequently occurring irregular plural nouns, commas in greetings and closings of letters

Spelling words:  skin, crept, skit, cuff, skill, kiss, cat, cast, club, skiff, tract, cent, cinch, scram, kit, con, scuff, kept, kid, Ken


Daily:  study spelling words

Monday:  reading

Tuesday:  language, get tests papers signed and return on Wednesday

Wednesday:  math

Thursday:  write spelling words 4 times each

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Squares and Cubes

Yesterday we continued our study of shapes.  In this lesson we first made a square out of mini marshmallows and toothpicks.  We made another square and then connected the two squares with more toothpicks.  We then had a cube!!  We described its attributes like we did last week with our other shapes.  The students counted the edges, vertices, and faces.  It was a lot of fun.  Of course, we had to eat the extra marshmallows when we were done!!

Shape Monsters

Last week in math we described shapes by their attributes.  We talked about how many sides and angles each shape had.  We looked at triangles, quadrilaterals, hexagons, and pentagons.  On Friday we made a shape monster.  This week we will write and describe our monster and hang them in the hall.

It takes a lot of concentration to cut, glue
and decide how you want your monster
to look!!

I think the students had a great time making their shape monster.  This activity came from Amy Lemons at Step Into Second Grade.  I will post a picture when they complete their description of their monster and we hang them in the hall.

Learning in Room 11 -- September 21-25

This week we are learning the following skills:

Reading:  ask and answer questions, describe the overall structure of a story including beginning and end

Spelling:  FLOSS rule and unit ALL

Math:  relate square to the cube, composite shapes and fractions

Language:  irregular plural nouns

Spelling Words:  squall, hall, small, stall, doll, call, stiff, swell, glass, spill, chess, jazz, toss, gruff, press, thrill, less, shell, stuff, buzz, yes, gas, bus


Daily:  study spelling words

Monday:  math

Tuesday:  language, get test papers signed and return on Wednesday

Wednesday:   math, reading

Thursday:  write spelling words 4 times each

Monday, September 14, 2015

Learning in Room 11 -- September 14-18

This week we are learning the following skills:

Reading:  ask and answer questions, describe the overall structure of a story including beginning and end

Spelling:  digraph and 3-letter blends

Math:  attributes of two-dimensional shapes

Language:  capitalize holidays, product names, and geographic names

Spelling Words:  brunch, split, shrimp, shrub, belch, depth, splint, shred, scram, sprig, strut, thrift, sixth, strum, prompt, splash, thrush, splat, thrust


Daily:  study spelling words

Monday:  math

Tuesday:  math, get test papers signed and return on Wednesday

Wednesday:  math, language

Thursday:  write spelling words 4 times each

Monday, September 7, 2015

Learning in Room 11 -- Sept. 8-11

I hope everyone had a great Labor Day holiday.  

This week we are learning the following skills:

Reading:  ask and answer questions, describe the overall structure of a story including beginning and end

Spelling:  r controlled a syllable pattern

Math:  writing word problems for equations, two-step word problems

Language:  capitalization and punctuation

Spelling Words:  smart, scar, shark, start, star, spark, market, garlic, party

High Frequency Words:  away, idea, left, near, play, until


Daily:  Study spelling words, read "The Park Club"

Monday:  Labor Day holiday

Tuesday:  Math, get test papers signed and return on Wednesday

Wednesday:  capitalization and punctuation 

Thursday:  Write spelling words 4 times each