
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Getting the classroom ready -- Almost there!!

This week I had to go back to school for staff development.  I worked last Friday in my room and have worked this week when not in meetings.  My room is coming together.  There are still several things I have to do but it is almost ready for the students next week.  The following pictures are how it looked this afternoon before I left.  I will post pictures of each area of the room when I get finished.

I have tomorrow to finish getting the classroom ready. School starts Monday!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Getting the classroom ready--Day 3

This morning I went back to school to work on my room.  I was pleased with my efforts.  I still have a lot to do before school starts but I did make progress.  I cleaned out one of my big cabinets.  I put labels with the DRA level on my library books.  I even got them into the library cart.  I just have to go buy some more ink to print my labels for the library tubs.  I filed some papers away and got rid of some old papers I found. My table is getting much better and the desks are as well.  I still have a way to go but I'm getting there.  The pictures from today show the desks and my table looking better and my library cart.  Right now I just have post-it notes on the tubs to show the levels.  Tomorrow I hope to get a lot more done.  Next week I will be in meetings and won't have as much time. 
The desks are looking a little better! No stacks of books!
The classroom library cart is where the students choose books to read on their own.

Getting the classroom ready--Day 2

I took a day off on Tuesday to do a program at my parent's church.  So I came back Wednesday and got to work.  In the past my classroom library books were sorted by genre (realistic fiction, holidays, biographies, fiction, etc.).  This year I am sorting my books by their DRA level.  I feel this will make it a lot easier for students to be able to find books that are appropriate for them.  However, I spent a while on the computer looking up the books and finding out what level they were.  I also kept unpacking as well.  Wednesday's photos show books stacked up on desks by their level.  The cubbies are also beginning to be empty. I also put up my number line over the student computers and my Word Study pocket chart by the smartboard. Now I just have to find a place for everything to go!

Getting the classroom ready - Day 1

When the calendar is turned to August it is time to begin to get the classroom ready.  On Monday, I went back to school to begin work in my room.  When I walked in everything was packed up for the summer. The floors had been waxed and desks were back in the room.   It was time to unpack the cubbies and begin to put things where they belong.  The problem with this is that my room becomes a big mess before it gets better.

These pictures show the class when I first walked in. Paper is covering the cubbies, a lot of things are stashed in the boxes and tubs on top of the cubbies and the big cabinets.  Computers are covered up to keep out dust.  The bulletin board is even covered. The paper comes off and the fun begins.  I started to take things out of the cubbies and also get things down from the cabinets.  After several hours work, I had a big mess on my hands.  I left school Monday afternoon very tired.
I had taken out a lot of things.  Books were piled on top of desks.  My table was very messy.  But I knew it would get better--it just takes several days.  

The pictures below show the room at the end of day one.  I'll keep you updated on the progress of the room.