This morning I went back to school to work on my room. I was pleased with my efforts. I still have a lot to do before school starts but I did make progress. I cleaned out one of my big cabinets. I put labels with the DRA level on my library books. I even got them into the library cart. I just have to go buy some more ink to print my labels for the library tubs. I filed some papers away and got rid of some old papers I found. My table is getting much better and the desks are as well. I still have a way to go but I'm getting there. The pictures from today show the desks and my table looking better and my library cart. Right now I just have post-it notes on the tubs to show the levels. Tomorrow I hope to get a lot more done. Next week I will be in meetings and won't have as much time.
The desks are looking a little better! No stacks of books! |
The classroom library cart is where the students choose books to read on their own. |
Looking good! Im guessing that is the smart board i have been hearing about.