
Monday, November 24, 2014

November 24-28 in Room 11

I apologize for not posting last week.  Some weeks just seem very hectic and it is hard to find the time.  This week we are reviewing our same skills in reading and language.  There are NO spelling words this week.   We are continuing with place value and numbers in math.  We are also reviewing for our next block test in reading.  We will review in math on Monday when we return from Thanksgiving break.  Our block tests will be December 2 for reading, writing, and math.

Several reminders:

You can bring box tops whenever you have any and I will turn them in to Nurse Jodie.

November book it forms are due by December 1.

Early dismissal on Tuesday, November 25 at 2:00.

Thanksgiving Break -- Wednesday - Friday (November 26-28).

Students brought home math homework today (Monday).

I plan to put spelling words for next week on here by Wednesday in case anyone wants a head start in studying them. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!!!

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